Life rules in 20, 30, 40 and 50 years

Entrepreneur James Altusher is an extraordinary personality. He worked as a programmer and journalist, trader and investor, created two dozen companies and Internet projects, wrote and published 17 books. Today he shares his thoughts about the arrangement of life in podcasts and blogs. We publish one of his posts.

20 years

My 20 years were an absolute nightmare. Actually, everything was supposed to please me: I was finally free-no parents, no teachers. I could undress in front of other people, with their permission, of course. I could find a job, realize all dreams. But nothing happened, because at 20 no one really knows anything.

Too late, I understood how useless were four years of college. I even went to the minus: I paid for my studies, but I did not earn anything and did not find out. In any case, the acquired knowledge did not help me find a job.

In addition, at the age of 20, I was in a hurry – I wanted to become successful as soon as possible and find the work of all my life

Someone told me: “Time-money”. So, every lost opportunity has its own price. This formula is often repeated in economics classes. I often skipped them, but I know for sure that time is not money. You can spend money and you can earn. You can’t earn time and buy. There is no time to sell a time machine that will give you a few more hours in exchange for five dollars.

At 20, I did not understand anything, but I thought that I know everything. But it normal. At 20, I chose several classes and repeated them day after day, because I thought that I did well. I wrote and programmed. I

was not good in any of these matters, but gradually they began to turn out better for me, because I did them constantly.

Council 20-year-old

Select from three to five classes and concentrate on them. Just choose what you are ready to do every day and again. Do not wait for revelation or breakthrough. Just do it. I would do this myself, only there was no one to tell me.

30 years

This is also a complete nightmare. The idea of buying your own housing is the same universal deception as college. Both are a legal way to drive you into debts and make you work. The lending industry is zombie zombies from the series “Real Estate is a reasonable investment” or “It’s time to start roots”.

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