Being Sober Sucks

Knowing relapse signs can help you recognize your risk of relapse. You don’t have to be alone in your sobriety journey. Even if you don’t have a strong support network right away, this is something you can seek out to help support your goals. This subreddit is a place to motivate each other to control or stop drinking.

Since there are different reasons for using drugs and alcohol, there are also varying reasons why someone wants to get sober. Whatever your “why,” know that with treatment and support, getting sober is not only possible, but it’s also manageable long-term. Sobriety is a general term for staying away from mood and mind-altering substances. In early sobriety I would tell myself “I hate being sober!

Identify Your Triggers

Ask for extra hours at work if you’re having a hard time with roommates. Head out of town with some sober friends for a few hours to get a change of scenery. There are millions of other people in recovery, all at different stages, and many are having a bad day just like you are. There is a lot of stuff to process as you build your life in recovery every day, and that isn’t always going to be easy. If you or someone you know experiences mental health issues, it is important to seek help from a qualified professional. Our Resource Specialist can help you find expert mental health resources to recover in your community.

We welcome anyone who wishes to join in by asking for support, sharing our experiences and stories, or just encouraging someone who is trying to quit. Please post only when sober; you’re welcome to read in the meanwhile. It is very common to consider relapsing when going through recovery, and help is something that should be utilised at these times. Quit lit books might have got you through times before, so pick one up and take time out to read a little bit.

Feeling Like Being Sober Sucks? 12 Tips for Feeling Better

With less toxicity in your life, you open space for building healthy relationships that are genuinely supportive and nourishing. These new relationships can help you in your sobriety. Toxic relationships are those in which you feel unheard, misunderstood, unsupported, demeaned, unsafe, or attacked.

Unfortunately, for someone in recovery, feelings of discontent are dangerous. It doesn’t take long for thoughts to become words and words to become actions. Before you know it, a lousy day in sobriety can quickly turn into your last day in sobriety if you turn to drugs and alcohol to ease your emotional discomfort. The saying goes that your worst day in sobriety is better than your best day in addiction. The basic disease model of addiction says that plenty of people use drugs or alcohol to medicate their problems away.

Build a Support Network

You are not a slave to your emotions or your addiction. You can choose to sit where you are for a moment, assess, and figure out a way forward.

  • Contact us now for more information on this free service to our users.
  • There is such a calm presence with children because they haven’t yet been mentally affected by themselves.
  • Early sobriety may come with feelings of fatigue, anxiety, or depression.
  • Once he locks onto you (we are still trying to figure out what triggers him), he will quickly and relentlessly violate anyone’s definition of personal space.
  • For example, 12-step programs often have milestones or “sober birthdays” starting x amount of hours sober (i.e., 24 hours sober) and onward from there (i.e., a week, one month, three months).

It’s hard to overstate the importance of good sleep. When you’re sleep-deprived, you feel cranky, foggy, and unhealthy. Alcohol and drugs aren’t conducive to good sleep – they can keep you up late at night, make it hard to fall asleep when you want to, or make you sleepy during the daytime. When you’re sober, you’re able to stick to a healthy sleep schedule and wake up feeling refreshed every day. Early sobriety may come with feelings of fatigue, anxiety, or depression. You may also experience sobriety triggers (people, places, and things that trigger the desire to use).

Things I’ve Learned Being The Only Sober Person In The Room

Grab a pen and paper and write down the reasons for you wanting to have a drink. Then read back those words and see if they are real. SELF does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Any information published on this website or by this brand is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare being sober sucks professional. Like that guy from that probably stolen Dane Cook sketch, drunk people just “gotta dance.” A couple beers and everyone is oblivious to their surroundings. Take a person who’s pleasing to the eye, intelligent, put together, and when sober, brazenly competent, and confident—but after a few whisky sours, that person turns into a paranoid mess of self-doubt.

  • Recognizing this need for change means taking into account how drugs or alcohol have been causing problems in areas of your life.
  • Combine the calories in alcohol with the aforementioned junk food cravings and you’ve got a recipe for weight gain.
  • Whatever your “why,” know that with treatment and support, getting sober is not only possible, but it’s also manageable long-term.

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